Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Bantu akhawat kita

Copy pasted dari Intan (which is from kak Atiqah) :

Assalamualaikum wbkh. Im involved in a serious accident on the way to mount cook on 7 May. It was frosty, the road was hilly and icy with little snow around. It seems like the car break is not functioning, The car cud not be stopped, turn the other way round, rolling over into the river.My hp was lost during the accident, so i cannot contact anyone. My brother need to stay in the hosp for about one or two month.. Everybody in the car got broken fractured on many parts of the body except myelf. +64211361397 in case u want to know bout things here.Please do pray for me. I need to stay strong to face this.

Calling for a fundraising to cover the cost of billing in the hospital as NEW ZEALAND hospital bills is very expensive without any insurance

Ashraf will be in hospital for a month or more to assure complete recovery.

Their flight was cancelled. kak tiqah is a graduands from @the university of auckland and she is visiting auckland, in celebration of her autumn graduation, grads of BED TESOL (SECONDARY SCHOOL) IPBA.

ASHRAF is a police officer and a good brother. if you read this, pls pray that they will remain strong, patient and for a speedy recovery inshaAllah.
Kak Atiqah's bank acc no:
06 0158 0387946 00
Dan apa jua harta yang halal yang kamu belanjakan (pada jalan Allah) maka (faedahnya dan pahalanya) adalah untuk diri kamu sendiri dan kamu pula tidaklah mendermakan sesuatu melainkan kerana menuntut keredaan Allah dan apa jua yang kamu dermakan dari harta yang halal, akan disempurnakan (balasan pahalanya) kepada kamu, dan (balasan baik) kamu (itu pula) tidak dikurangkan. (2:272)
Moga Allah bantu dan mudahkan segala urusan kak Atiqah dan keluarga insha Allah.

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